CHAMA Honours Dr. Chuddy Onwuegbuna after 10 years of humanitarian service.

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Anchor: Warrior Comr Amos Kalu


(Not updated)

Worker in the Redeemed Christian Church of God since September 1994.Pastor since July 1995 till date.25 Medical Outreaches/Missions so far :3 Local,17 National & 5 International-Sierra Leone,Guinea Bissau,Liberia,Tanzania & South Sudan.15 month Part Time Missionary service in the United Kingdom 1989/1990 May – August 1991..He joined CHAMA MISSION in December 2013 at Ohafia and was present was CHAMA was officially inaugurated.

The video was shot at The Presbyterian Church Asaga Ohafia.  You could see Dr Uwaoma in front. On that day, he was looking for the venue having driven all the way from.Aba. As he was arriving, it was exactly when the picture was being taken.He jumped in


Calvary greetings to you our beloved and esteemed Doctor. Please can you introduce yourself by telling us your name and a few things we need to know about you?

ANS :. I am Dr Chudy Onwuegbuna from Nibo-Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Kindly share with us some interesting facts about your beautiful family: marriage, children, parents, etc?

ANS: I am married with 3 children & 5 grandchildren.

Who can you say has a major influence over your life that shaped who you are today: Father? Or mother? And why?

ANS: My parents were educated & mentored me to become what I am today.

What’s your favorite meal and color? And how do you relax?

ANS: My favourite meal is soup of melon & bitter leaf with goat meat

ANS: To relax I read or watch games on television.



Please, can you tell us about your profession? What factors would you say played a major role at influencing you to study your profession? When did you graduate from which school? How old are you in your practice?

ANS: .I am a Medical Doctor since June 1977. I passed through University of Nigeria.I did post graduate studies in Ophthalmology in Nigeria & England finishing January 1991.I am convinced that it was perfect Will of God.

Since then I have practised in several countries- Nigeria,England,Sierra Leone,Guinea Bissau,Liberia,Tanzania & South Sudan.

What’s your area specialization in your chosen field, and what influenced you to specialize in that area?

ANS: My specialty is Ophthalmology.Nothing in particular moved me in that direction.

Can you share with us the most challenging situations/cases that you have handled, please and how you were able to manage it? Any lessons learned?

ANS: .It is challenging to operate on the only seeing eye of an individual.

Give us some insight into your passion for service to humanity? Do you have your own organization? Tell us about it and why you started it.

ANS: .In free service to humanity, I began an outreach Divine International.I have been to 28 outings.



To you, what is CHAMA?

ANS: Chama to me is a Holistic Missionary & Humanitarian Organisation.In diverse ways it is sharing the vision of Goodness

How did you hear about CHAMA and what can you say about it? How many years have you been in CHAMA?

ANS: .I came to hear of Chama through the CEO Dec 2013.I was introduced to him by somebody.My very first Chama outing was January 2014 in the invasion/medical mission @ Amangwu Ohafia.Since then I have been to 6 Chama invasions to date.

What motivated you to decide to be a member of CHAMA?

ANS: .I love the Vision & the Mission of Chama.Before then I had been in a similar Organization since February 2010.

Have you attended any of CHAMA’s annual medical invasions? If yes or no, what is your impression of CHAMA activities? How would you describe CHAMA volunteers? Can you list out the missions that you have attended with CHAMA if your answer above was YES?

ANS: Chama volunteers are generally young & energetic.My other Chama outings include Amuma-Ohafia September 2014,Ebem-Ohafia January 2016,ABA February 2017,Umueze-Nkanu West January2018,Igbe-Ogume August 2019.

Can you share your most memorable experiences in CHAMA medical mission?

ANS: My most memorable experience was @ Umueze.A man was led to the eye team by the hand.Eye drop was prescribed for him.He came the next day to tell me on his own that his blindness had gone.

What do you see as CHAMA’s greatest challenges? And what would you proffer as solutions?

ANS: Chama’s main problem is Youthful exuberance.The solution begins with training & understanding of the Vision & Mission.I trust God for the catching & the running with the vision.I trust God also for Missionary spirit.

How would you rate CHAMA’s transparency and accountability in service delivery?

ANS: I have seen several similar groups.In Service delivery,I rate transparency & efficiency very high.

Have you been in contact with CHAMA CEO Dr. Olugu Ukpai and his wife? How would you describe their sincerity, dedication, openness and integrity in service?

ANS: I have interacted closely with the CEO now for 10 years.I am thoroughly convinced he & wife are called for this special work.They have a heart of Gold.They love God in a special way.I wish I can support them more than I am already doing.

CHAMA is undergoing restructuring towards sustainability – please, kindly feel free to advise us what we should include

ANS: Let the restructuring begin with a Guiding Constitution to regulate behavior in operations.

What advice do you have for young missionaries joining CHAMA today? What has kept and sustained you for these years in CHAMA?

ANS: As part & parcel of Chama I am not looking unto Dr Olugu but unto Jesus.I don’t expect any reward from the CEO but from Jesus. To me, CHAMA is an option for me to build my mansion in Heaven.

How much have you been paid within these years?

ANS: I have never demanded any kobo for anything from Chama.On the contrary I sow all I can Joyfully.

Any other comments?.

ANS: I conclude by thanking God for Service in Chama.It has been rewarding.I have made great friends.I have also developed in the Care Ministry.

Additional comments by CEO and CHAMA Members

Between 2013 and now, Dr Chuddy Onwuegbuna hasn’t missed any Nigerian invasion except one Isiukwuato invasion (l wasn’t there either). But yet to attend international mission with CHAMA

I have never had any headache with the eye section during invasion. In fact l go to sleep because Dr Chuddy Onwuegbuna would take his time and organize everything including but not limited to sourcing Optometrist and as well as coming with his own equipment and supplies as much as he’s able

He takes away the burden and cumbersome in planning and getting eye Doctors. He makes life easier for me. l have said that we will just have eye mission because l am always at peace and stress-free with eye section. He uses his network and goodwill to gather eye Doctors and for me. Organizing annual invasion is not an ABCD as it appears or sound


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