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Praise God! I had a wonderful encounter with two young men, Jerome and Glen, near NUS University’s business faculty. I met them after breakfast while walking by the road. They were walking in opposite directions, and I turned around to join them. I asked if they were in school, and they replied that they would serve in the army before attending university.

I invited them to a nearby coffee shop and shared with them about their desired courses of study. Jerome is a Christian, while Glen is a Buddhist. I asked Glen, “Who is the friend you’re with this morning, Jerome?” He replied, “JC, my schoolmate.” I told him, “Jerome is a future king in the kingdom of God!” Glen was surprised and asked Jerome to confirm. I explained to Glen that he could also become like Jerome, a king, by believing in Jesus Christ and being born again.

We discussed religions, and I shared simple scriptures with him, including Psalms 115. I explained that our God is in heaven, while their gods are handmade statues of stones, silver, or gold. Glen agreed with me. He shared that his parents prayed to these idols, and I asked how many statues they had at home. He counted five, including one in the kitchen. I asked if any of these idols had ever spoken to his family, and he replied, “None.”

I explained to Glen about our one Creator God, Jesus Christ, who came in human form, showed His power and miracles, and was raised from the dead. I led him in a lengthy prayer, sharing the gospel message of Christ’s birth, death, burial, ascension, and second coming. Wonderfully, Glen was saved by the grace of God! I’m grateful to have shared the goodness of God with him.

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