A Heartfelt Birthday Reflection: Celebrating Dr. Olugu Ukpai’s Special Day

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Happy Birthday to Dr. Olugu Ukpai, CEO of Challenge AIDS and Malaria in Africa (CHAMA)!

“On this special day, I, Dr. Olugu Ukpai, stand with a grateful heart, reflecting on the journey that has brought me to this moment. I am reminded of Psalm 40:2, which says, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” I am in awe of God’s mercy and grace, which have been my constant companions throughout the years.

As I celebrate another year of life, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the Lord for His unwavering love and guidance. I am also deeply grateful to each and every one of you who has been part of my journey thus far. Your support, encouragement, and presence have made a significant impact on my life, and I cherish the memories we’ve shared.

On this birthday, I ask that you join me in saying a word of prayer, that God may continue to guide me, bless me, and use me for His glory. May His mercy and grace continue to be my rock, and may I always find joy in His presence.

Thank you again, and happy birthday to me! 🙏🔥🔥”

We wish Dr. Olugu Ukpai a joyous birthday and many more years of service to humanity through CHAMA!

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