CHAMA’s Intervention medical camp

CHAMA’s Intervention medical camp

More than seven million children under the age of five remain malnourished and in need of urgent nutrition aid, and over 1.9 million boys and girls* are at risk of dying from severe malnutrition. As the region comes out of one of the worst droughts in 40 years, vulnerable communities have lost cattle, crops, and entire livelihoods over the past three years of failed rains.Over the past three years, communities have been forced to take extreme measures to survive, with millions of children and families leaving their homes out of pure desperation in search of food and water. This crisis…
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Life keeps throwing me stones.And I keep finding the diamonds…”― Ana Claudia Antunes,― Ana Claudia Antunes Do you know African Star Apple? It is called “Agbalumo” among the Yoruba ethnic group of Nigeria and “Udara” among the Igbos. It is a very huge and tall tree. Children and adults alike pluck it by throwing stones and sticks. So it is only a fruitful and ripped “Agbalumo” or “Udara” that attracts the hardest stones and sticks, not a barren ones. Remember, ‘your enemies will be right in your own household!’ (Matt 10:36). No wonder you are receiving attacks from left,…
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Breaking: Canada Honours Goodness On 15th Aniversary, Declare March  Malaria Awareness Day

Breaking: Canada Honours Goodness On 15th Aniversary, Declare March Malaria Awareness Day

A BLESSING IN DISGUISE Today, the 20th of March, 2021 mark exactly 15 years that we lost our precious baby girl - Goodness Olugu Ukpai Her death led to the formation of CHAMA – to “prevent other children from needless death” and “ to prevent parents from passing through the psychological trauma that we passed through and keep passing through” after losing our own Goodness. After 15 years, the best way to describe the journey so far is Blessing in disguise It’s a blessing because lives have been touched, changed and transformed. It’s a blessing because over 600 100% free…
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Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

"I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols."(Isaiah 42:6-8). “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing…
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For “Goodness” sake: CHAMA Ohafia Chapter provides care for 103 year old woman in Okon-Aku

For “Goodness” sake: CHAMA Ohafia Chapter provides care for 103 year old woman in Okon-Aku

Challenge AIDS and Malaria in Africa (CHAMA) is a Canadian-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded by Dr. & Pastor Mrs Olugu Ukpai in 2006 after they lost their baby girl named “Goodness” at 16 months to malaria needlessly. With 49,000 volunteers from 99 countries of the globe, CHAMA volunteers has for 14 years carried out over 600 free surgeries, saving estimated 80,000 people. Supporting older people during the COVID-19 pandemic is everyone’s business. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the global population in drastic ways. In many countries, older people are facing the most threats and challenges at this time. This is…
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