Still  In The Spirit Of Christmas – Just For Goodness Sake. #2

Still In The Spirit Of Christmas – Just For Goodness Sake. #2

CHAMA OHAFIA INTERVENTION - SHE RECEIVED FREE EYE SURGERY FOR GOODNESS SAKE She is from Ebem Ohafia but I can't even remember her name. I know her daughter Grace is a CHAMA volunteer warrior. I got a distress phone call from Ibem Onwuka Ibem saying - "My fianceès mother is almost going blind. The only gift I am asking from you is to please help me so that she can be able to see well again. I want her to be able to see my children when I eventually marry her daughter." I was touched deeply. I remembered the story…
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CHAMA isn't a Nigerian affair. Jesus didn't send us to Nigeria alone. Rather, admonished us to go into the whole world and make disciples of all nations through the great commission. It's not only in Nigeria that we have malaria disease. Every 35 seconds a child under dies of malaria. That's why CHAMA is a global missionary movement. Now we make a brief stop in BURUNDI to show you how we gave succur to a WIDOW.
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I HATE SCHOOL – Says Man On A Mission

I HATE SCHOOL – Says Man On A Mission

In the Western world, teenagers celebrate snow days, anticipate scheduled breaks and can hardly be more excited than when summer rolls around; it says so on their social medias. Snapchat stories, spam accounts and group chats of public school students filled with similar messages to, “I hate school,” “School is so boring,” and “Why do I have to learn this?” One cannot scroll through his or her Instagram feed without someone posting a selfie or meme with a caption that bashes on school. The students posting these messages are taking education for granted. Education, in the most basic sense, is…
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Breaking: Canada Honours Goodness On 15th Aniversary, Declare March  Malaria Awareness Day

Breaking: Canada Honours Goodness On 15th Aniversary, Declare March Malaria Awareness Day

A BLESSING IN DISGUISE Today, the 20th of March, 2021 mark exactly 15 years that we lost our precious baby girl - Goodness Olugu Ukpai Her death led to the formation of CHAMA – to “prevent other children from needless death” and “ to prevent parents from passing through the psychological trauma that we passed through and keep passing through” after losing our own Goodness. After 15 years, the best way to describe the journey so far is Blessing in disguise It’s a blessing because lives have been touched, changed and transformed. It’s a blessing because over 600 100% free…
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Fighting Malaria, HIV/AIDS In Africa: The CHAMA Example

Fighting Malaria, HIV/AIDS In Africa: The CHAMA Example

 CHIBUIKE CHUKWU explores the activities of a Canadian based organization, CHAMA, in rural African countries with the mandate to eliminate poverty and fight diseases. With huge interventions in Nigeria, Uganda, and Tanzania the organization is transforming lives.  Malaria has remained one of the major killers of men and women, particularly children in the world today. The fatalities of malaria are particularly worse in Sub-Saharan Africa given the continent’s poor healthcare system.  According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female anopheles mosquitoes. The latest World Malaria Report from the WHO released on 30…
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Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

"I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols."(Isaiah 42:6-8). “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing…
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